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Workplace Domestic Violence Champions

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Employers have a responsibility to provide staff with a safe working environment and we know that for some staff the workplace can be the only safe haven from domestic abuse and violence.


If you would like to become a champion of Domestic Violence within your work place or speak with someone about the role, please email:

We are promoting the importance of employers to appear Domestic Violence Champions within the workplace to raise awareness around the issues of DVSA and guiding people towards specialist services. Champions can access training and resources via our champions’ network to help and support colleagues.

WorkPlace Domestic Violence Champions Role and Responsibilities:

  • Act as a conduit for information between their organisation and the Champions Network, as necessary.

  • Be a point of contact for their organisation for information relating to Domestic Violence and Sexual Abuse (DVSA)

  • Raise awareness and enhance the overall level of knowledge of DVSA within their organisation.

  • Ensure up to date and accessible information is available in relation to support services for victims.

Champions Agreement 

Key Documents

Contact us for more information