The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2000 gives you the right of access to recorded information held by public authorities, subject to certain exemptions listed in the act. The FOI Act applies to the vast majority of public authorities, including the Police and Crime Commissioner for Northumbria.
The act intends to promote a culture of openness and accountability of how the PCC carries out her duties, why we make decisions that we make and how we spend public money.
Our Freedom-of-Information-Publication-Scheme sets out the information that we make publically available.
If the information you want is not already available on this website you can make a specific request for information. If you do this, we will let you know in writing whether we hold it, and if we do we will provide the information to you within 20 working days, unless it is subject to an exemption. A fee may be payable. Under the FOI Act all public authorities, including the Police and Crime Commissioner for Northumbria, must have a publication scheme setting out the information we routinely make publicly available.
The Disclosure Log of all FOI Requests made to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Northumbria can be found by clicking on the Disclosure Log section on the left of this page.