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Fighting Crime, Preventing Crime consultation


I’m calling on you, the people of Northumbria, to share your views on how we fight crime and prevent crime by taking part in this survey –

Whether you’re a local resident, business owner, or helping out at a local community group, I want you to tell me what the the big issues are for you.

I’ll then use these views to shape a new Police and Crime Plan outlining what the force should focus on to ensure Northumbria stays one of the safest regions in the country.

What do you want to see?
  • More officers on the streets tackling anti-social behaviour in your neighbourhood?
  • Reducing all types of violence throughout the region?
  • More interventions and opportunities to create positive futures for our young people?

Whatever it is – this is the time to make it happen.


To help get as many views as possible, I’d planned to take an engagement bus on tour over the coming months to meet lots of people to learn more about policing and community needs across the force area. For now, this has been postponed while the region adjusts to local lockdown, and will be relaunched once public health advice on how best to engage face to face has been considered.

In the meantime, please tell people about it and share it online – the more people we reach, the better.


I really want young people to have their say too, so if you’re under 16 please let me know your thoughts here –


The Police and Crime Plan sets out the strategic priorities, aims and objectives for Northumbria Police. People can respond to the survey online by visiting The consultation closes on Friday 27 November. All Police and Crime Commissioners have a statutory responsibility to produce a Police and Crime Plan.

The findings of the survey will be used to inform the strategic policing priorities, aims and objectives in the next Northumbria Police and Crime Plan. This will then be presented to the Police and Crime Panel for review, before being published in February 2021.

  • For further information please email:
  • If you need any help completing this survey, please call 07714519626.
  • For all other enquiries you can contact the office on 0191 221 9800.