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About the PCC Election

Your Police and Crime Commissioner in Northumbria

Police & Crime Commissioners (PCCs) are elected every four years. The term of the current PCC runs until 13 May 2021.  The date of the next PCC election for England and Wales is 6 May 2021.

If you want to find out more information about the candidates standing in the Northumbria Police Area visit where from 15 April, you will be able to find out information about  candidates standing for election and also download a PDF booklet of candidate details.

The election

To read more about the election guidance for PCCs, including qualifications for standing as a candidate, please visit the Electoral Commission website.

The overall responsibility for the conduct of the election will sit with the designated Police Area Returning Officer (PARO) for each police force area as set out in the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011.  The Minister of State of the Cabinet Office has formally designated Sunderland Council to provide the appropriate officer (Chief Executive) to conduct the 2021 PCC election for the police area of Northumbria.  Mr Patrick Melia, Chief Executive Officer of Sunderland Council, is the PARO (Police Authority Returning Officer) and will discharge his duties in accordance with The Police and Crime Commissioner Elections Order 2021.

Further information about the election please contact Sunderland Council at   Additional information is also set out in The Police and Crime Commissioner Elections (Designation of Police Area Returning officers Order) 2021.

Information for candidates

This PCC candidate pack provides information in respect of Northumbria and includes an outline of the role of the PCC and CC, the work of the office and information about finance and resources.  Following the deadline for nominations, confirmed candidates will be offered a meeting with the Chief of Staff of the OPPC, the Chief Constable and the Head of Finance.  In addition if candidates request any further information following the deadline to submit nominations this will be recorded on a Disclosure Log and shared on the PCC website.

The Association of Police & Crime Commissioners (APCC) has produced a guide which provides guidance, advice and information for anyone interested in standing as a candidate in the 2021 elections. It provides candidates with a range of information including the role and responsibilities of a PCC, who can stand in PCC elections, working with the Chief Constable, finance and commissioning, the role of the Police and Crime Panel (PCP) and what PCCs have achieved at a local and national level since the role was created in 2012.

The National Crime Agency NCA has a PCC Candidate Briefing page on their website which you can access via:

Also, please find a letter from the NCA with information for all PCC Candidates Police and Crime Commissioner Prospective Candidates NCA letter.