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Commissioner’s Response – HMIC Inspection – Core Business: an inspection into crime prevention, police attendance and the use of police time

27th August 2015

HMIC Inspection of Core Business: an inspection into crime prevention, police attendance and the use of police time.

I refer to the HMIC report Core Business: An inspection into crime prevention, police attendance and the use of police time published by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary on 4th September 2014.

I was pleased that the national report acknowledges that forces have done a good job in tackling crime and anti-social behaviour, leading to long term reductions over the last ten years.

Locally we have considered the 40 recommendations made in the report and noted also the areas where HMIC considered that Northumbria do meet the standards expected, particularly in relation to attendance.

I have discussed the recommendations with the Chief Constable and she has confirmed that in many cases the recommendations made by the report are already embedded in day to day business or are addressed by ongoing work within business plans.

Our overarching project ‘Street to Strategic; will address those areas for improvement identified by the inspectors in respect of ‘freeing up time’ as it will, through investment in modern technology, increase visibility and productivity and maximise the use of resources also providing improved service quality through more intelligence led crime prevention.

Other recommendations are included in an action plan that will be monitored at Northumbria Police Strategic Management Board which I attend as part of my governance and accountability process.


National Report – Core Business an inspection into crime prevention, police attendance and the use of police time