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Local Press Releases

Here you will find press releases that relate to the Commissioners role specifically in Northumbria. All media enquiries should be made to the OPCC by telephoning 0191 221 9800.

North East PCCs urge Home Secretary to introduce Minimum Unit Pricing for alcohol 21st February 2018

Dear Home Secretary, We are writing to express our concern about the damage cheap alcohol is doing to the North East of England and the pressure that it is putting on our respective police forces. We have chosen to...

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Police and Crime Commissioner, Dame Vera Baird QC supports Chair of Home Affairs Select Committee in continued drive for Orgreave Justice. 19th February 2018

The Home Affairs Select Committee Chair, Yvette Cooper MP, has written to the Home Secretary asking her to ensure that the files on Orgreave identified by South Yorkshire Police and other forces are now independently reviewed for release. Dame...

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Investing in Policing for the Future 6th February 2018

The Police and Crime Panel for Northumbria have unanimously approved the Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner’s proposed increase to the police precept (the police element of the council tax) of 15p per week for a Band A property or...

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Vera Baird Writes to MPs on Fair Funding Deal 6th February 2018

Police and Crime Commissioner Vera Baird has written to MPs across Northumbria to once again emphasise the need for a fair funding settlement from the government. In writing to MPs Baird wishes to address some of the ‘misleading information’...

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Force Recruits Cyber Volunteers In Fight Against Digital Crime 6th February 2018

Cyber specialist experts have been recruited to help Northumbria Police protect the public from internet-related crime. The force and Crime Commissioner Dame Vera Baird have recruited 18 volunteers who will identify people and businesses susceptible to exploitation or threat...

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