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Local Press Releases

Here you will find press releases that relate to the Commissioners role specifically in Northumbria. All media enquiries should be made to the OPCC by telephoning 0191 221 9800.

PCC Vera Baird supports activity to crackdown on ASB in Blyth 3rd February 2017

Police are working with partners to tackle incidents of anti-social behaviour (ASB) in Blyth. Officers have seen a rise in the number of ASB incidents reported around Blyth town centre since January and have set up an operation working...

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Time to Talk Day supported by PCC Vera Baird 2nd February 2017

Northumbria Police has today written to the editors of national and regional media outlets offering its support to national Time to Talk Day on Thursday (February 2). Time to Talk Day is aimed at getting the nation talking and...

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Vera Baird, Police and Crime Commissioner for Northumbria backs charity campaign to help protect older people from financial abuse 26th January 2017

Dame Vera Baird the Police and Crime Commissioner for Northumbria, has joined Action on Elder Abuse in urging older people and their families to learn how to spot the signs of financial abuse. Data from the charity suggests that...

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Northumbria Police are supporting a national crackdown on motorists using mobile phones behind the wheel 26th January 2017

Later this year a change in the law will see the punishment for the offence increase so that those caught on their phone now face an on-the-spot £200 fine and six penalty points. To support the new legislation the...

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Sex education is a must to help change victim blaming culture, says Vera Baird QC 20th January 2017

Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner, Dame Vera Baird QC has said that a key way in which we can combat deep-seated sexism around sexual consent and victim blaming within our culture is by the Government implementing statutory sex and...

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