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Local Press Releases

Here you will find press releases that relate to the Commissioners role specifically in Northumbria. All media enquiries should be made to the OPCC by telephoning 0191 221 9800.

PCC Vera Baird QC gives full support to Hate Crime Awareness Week 11th October 2016

Being you is not a crime, targeting you is – that’s the message from Northumbria Police and Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner, Vera Baird QC, during National Hate Crime Awareness Week. National Hate Crime Awareness Week runs between Saturday...

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PCC Vera Baird QC thanks Newcastle public consultation attendees 6th October 2016

Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner, Vera Baird QC, consulted the people of Newcastle last night at the first of six public consultations to help inform her police and crime plan. Items discussed at the event, held at Newcastle Civic...

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Improved support for prisoners leaving after short sentences is a must, says Vera Baird QC 4th October 2016

Vera Baird QC has said it’s vital that the Government improves the support made available to prisoners leaving prison after short sentences. Her comments follow the publication of a report by the HM Inspectorate of Probation and HM Inspectorate...

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PCC supports work to tackle nuisance bikers 3rd October 2016

Police have been cracking down on motorcycle anti-social behaviour and uninsured and unlicensed drivers in the Ashington area. Neighbourhood officers have been responding to concerns from the community about motorcycle disorder in Newbiggin and Hirst areas and the problem...

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PCC Vera Baird welcomes proactive operations to tackle burglary 3rd October 2016

Think crime prevention this autumn – in a bid to stay safe and beat the burglar. That’s the message from Northumbria Police as the evenings start to draw in. Typically at this time of year police can see a...

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