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Local Press Releases

Here you will find press releases that relate to the Commissioners role specifically in Northumbria. All media enquiries should be made to the OPCC by telephoning 0191 221 9800.

Forces should not be made to “bid for their own money”, says PCC Vera Baird 16th August 2016

Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner, Vera Baird QC, and fellow Labour PCCs have attacked the government for making forces ‘bid for their own money’, through what is called the Police Transformation Fund. The Police Transformation Fund was launched to...

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PCC praises victim’s bravery and the work of Northumbria Police 11th August 2016

South Shields teenager Belinda Nolan suffered in silence for years at the hands of her abuser, Richard Phillip Watkins, 29, of Winskill Road, South Shields who sexually assaulted her from the age of 8 years old. After having the...

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PCC Vera Baird supports Sunderland partnership to tackle ASB 11th August 2016

‘Play your part’ in helping return a historic landmark back to the centre of community life is the latest message from police and partners. In recent years Hylton Castle has become a magnet for anti-social behaviour with youths gathering...

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Vera Baird QC welcomes reassurance that child abuse inquiry will not be halted 5th August 2016

Vera Baird QC and fellow Police and Crime Commissioners have been reassured by the National Police Lead for Child Protection and Abuse Investigations, that the work of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) , headed up by...

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Rural crime crackdown is paying off, says PCC Vera Baird 5th August 2016

PCC Vera Baird QC has praised Northumbria Police’s work with local communities to tackle rural crime but says the commitment to tackling this type of crime must continue. The comments have been made following the publication of NFU Mutual’s...

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