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National Press Releases

All media enquiries should be made to the OPCC by telephoning 0191 221 9800

PCC Vera Baird welcomes ‘long overdue’ compulsory sex education in schools 19th December 2016

Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner, Vera Baird QC, has welcomed ‘long-overdue’ plans for sex education and relationships education (SRE) to be made compulsory in all schools. Ms Baird has campaigned on the matter for years, calling on the government...

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Christmas Message 2016, Vera Baird QC, Police and Crime Commissioner for Northumbria 19th December 2016

“It’s hard to believe that we are at the end of 2016 already, who would have thought at the beginning of the year we would have voted to leave Europe, have a new Prime Minister and that Donald Trump...

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Case for increased local control over criminal justice made in new report supported by Vera Baird QC 15th December 2016

A new report from the think tank Governup will argue that top-down reform of criminal justice has failed and will argue for Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) and directly elected Mayors to be given greater power over youth justice,...

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Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner backs “scrap the fee” campaign 9th December 2016

Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner Vera Baird QC is offering her support to a domestic abuse campaign urging GP’s to “scrap the fee” for a domestic abuse doctor’s note. Domestic abuse victims applying for legal aid to have their...

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Northumbria’s Police and Crime Commissioner Vera Baird QC is welcoming the Home Secretary’s plans for stalking protection orders 7th December 2016

Northumbria’s Police and Crime Commissioner Vera Baird QC is welcoming the Home Secretary’s plans for stalking protection orders. On Wednesday morning it was announced that the Home Secretary is to introduce new stalking protection orders which will help protect...

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