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National Press Releases

All media enquiries should be made to the OPCC by telephoning 0191 221 9800

PCC launches enhanced domestic abuse perpetrator programme 5th February 2016

A successful project to tackle domestic abuse, which focuses on perpetrators, is set to benefit more people in the Northumbria Police Force area, thanks to funding secured by Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner, Vera Baird. Last year, Barnardo’s and...

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Keeping cops on the beat 3rd February 2016

The Police and Crime Panel for Northumbria have unanimously approved the Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner’s proposed increase to the police precept (the police element of the council tax) of 10p per week for a band D property. The...

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Vera Baird urges Home Secretary to take action 3rd February 2016

Following news that American blogger Daryush Valizadeh known as Roosh V has organised rallies in various cities across the world this weekend, including Newcastle, Northumbria’s Police & Crime Commissioner, Vera Baird QC, has written to the Home Secretary, Theresa...

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Vera Baird joins call to lower drink drive limit 27th January 2016

This Friday the House of Lords will debate lowering the drink driving limit as part of the Road Traffic Act.  Northumbria’s Police & Crime Commissioner Vera Baird is urging Peers to support the Bill.  Commissioner Baird, along with her...

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Funding for Victims Services Allocated by the Ministry of Justice 22nd January 2016

Funding for victims services for the coming year was today allocated by the Ministry of Justice. The announcement follows concerns raised by the Association of Police and Crime Commissioner’s victims lead Vera Baird, PCC for Northumbria, who yesterday wrote...

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