Saturday (November 10), the government announced that a bid endorsed by Northumbria’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Dame Vera Baird QC, has secured over £370,000 funding over the next two years to divert children and young people away from violent crime.
Dame Vera said: “I am delighted that this bid has been successful, not only will it further support our partnership work, it will also bring over £370,000 to Northumbria – money which will be invested right across Tyne and Wear and Northumberland. Here in our region, we are committed to ensuring we continue to do everything possible to prevent young people getting drawn in to violent crime.”
The initiative sets out to target young people on the periphery of involvement with the criminal justice system, as a result of their escalating offending behaviours.
Following interaction with the Youth Offending Team (YOT), a young person can be directed to one of three pathways:
1) If a referred young person is identify as being actively involved with a Youth Intervention Service, the specialist worker will alert the YOT officer responsible for the child thus ensuring information is shared and appropriate action or intervention is provided.
2) If the young person is identified as requiring a low-medium level of intervention they will be referred to a ‘Street Doctor’.
3) If the young person is identified as having a greater need they will be referred to a mentor for one to one intensive intervention.
Dame Vera added: “This was an innovative bid, working alongside our partners we have shown the government that we are serious about working with children and young people on a long term basis to prevent them getting drawn in to crime, or supporting those youngsters who have already offended to divert them into positive life choices.”
The total funding awarded was £371,632 and further information can be found here –