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PCC Kim McGuinness asks local people what they would pay to support policing in the region

11th January 2021

PCC Kim McGuinness asks local people what they would pay to support policing in the region

THE region’s police and crime commissioner Kim McGuinness is asking local people to share their views on how to fund the policing of our communities in the years ahead.

Today, a public consultation on the police precept – the force’s share of local council tax bills – has been launched to find out how much residents are prepared to pay to support the work of police in our area.

The consultation is asking households for their views on a range of increases to the precept.

The lowest potential rise is a 1.99% increase per month, which is 23 pence for a Band D property. This small rise when set against inflation and the rising cost of policing would cover basic cost increases.

Options go up to a £1.25 pence per month rise (10.95%) in the precept which would allow the force to meet all current costs and be better prepared to respond to emerging trends and fight and prevent crime but the Commissioner believes this £15 annual increase per Band D household is too big an ask during a time of widespread unemployment and financial uncertainty.

Police Commissioner Kim McGuinness, said: “Ensuring your police force has what it needs to protect you, your family and your businesses is a key part of my role as your Police and Crime Commissioner. That’s why I need to know how much you’re prepared to pay for good policing. I know times are hard for so many people right now though, especially those whose jobs and livelihoods have been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, and so it’s really important that you have your say.

“Northumbria Police has taken a real hit in Government funding over the last decade, which has seen budget cuts for the police totalling £144 million. Unfortunately, this places a greater reliance upon the police precept share of your overall council tax bill to fund services.

“For me, it goes without saying that the Government should be doing more to fund police forces – now more than ever. The last 12 months has reinforced just how important our police force is – they’ve done an incredible job working to keep people safe during such difficult times. And we have to remember, the pandemic is far from over, recessions and crime go hand in hand – our police need the resources to deal with these ongoing pressures but it comes at a cost.”

The Northumbria Precept Survey 2021 can be completed here: –