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Requirement  to commission a Domestic Abuse Perpetrators Intervention Programme for the City of Sunderland

8th October 2014

The Police and Crime Commissioner for Northumbria Police has a requirement  to commission a Domestic Abuse Perpetrators Intervention Programme for the City of Sunderland. Domestic Abuse is a priority within the Commissioner’s Violence against Women and Girls Strategy and the commissioning of this service will support Northumbria police and partner agencies in tackling domestic abuse in the City of Sunderland.

The commissioned service will be required to provide the following;-

  • RESPECT accredited Domestic Violence Perpetrators programmes in Sunderland during the current and next financial year.
  • Supporting the identification and referral of suitable perpetrators for inclusion on the programme.
  • Support to victims and their children whilst the perpetrator is engaged on the programme; including referral to other support agencies and liaison with existing safeguarding partnership arrangements.
  • Positive and proactive engagement with the perpetrators in the community whilst the perpetrator is undertaking the programme.
  • Supporting Northumbria Police in the identification of perpetrators who may be suitable for electronic monitoring in the community as part of a voluntary or statutory requirement.

The Perpetrator Intervention programme is a two year pilot which will conclude in April 2016 and will commence as soon as possible.

Agencies interested in providing this service will be required to reply to with an overview of their organisation and proposed service in not more than 2 sides of A4 outlining their agencies suitability and credentials to support the objectives of the commissioned service.

The closing date for receipt of this information is 5pm on Wednesday 22nd October 2014.