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Local Press Releases

Here you will find press releases that relate to the Commissioners role specifically in Northumbria. All media enquiries should be made to the OPCC by telephoning 0191 221 9800.

Kim McGuinness named NE Youth’s latest ambassador 2nd January 2020

LEADING youth development charity NE Youth is celebrating its 85th anniversary in 2020 with new high-profile ambassadors and a range of activities centred around the theme of ‘Healthy and Happy’ as it embarks on a quest to raise £85,000....

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One Punch Campaign launch supported by PCC Kim McGuinness 29th November 2019

As the Christmas party season approaches, One Punch UK launches its 2019 Punched Out Cold campaign – now in its 6th Year. The campaign aims to raise awareness of the devastation one punch can cause, and urges people to...

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Northumbria PCC Kim McGuinness backs#ITSNOTOK campaign 25th November 2019

NEWCASTLE CHARITY TAKES A STAND AGAINST SEXUAL VIOLENCE WITH LAUNCH OF #ITSNOTOKAY MOVEMENT YOUNG people’s charity Streetwise is encouraging the region to take a stand and stop gender-based violence through its campaign #itsnotokay, launching in line with International Day...

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PCC Kim McGuinness welcomes new rural crime volunteers 21st November 2019

A fresh-faced group of volunteers will be sworn in this week in a bid to crackdown on rural crime across Northumberland. A total of 20 Rural Crime Volunteers officially joined Northumbria Police on Wednesday (November 20) and will work...

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Kim McGuinness’s first 100 days as Police and Crime Commissioner: Delivering on her promises 29th October 2019

Tuesday (29 October) marks 100 days since Kim McGuinness took over as Police and Crime Commissioner for Northumbria and set to work on a preventative approach to crime as well as doing everything within her power to ensure more...

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