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National Press Releases

All media enquiries should be made to the OPCC by telephoning 0191 221 9800

‘Your force, your priorities’ – PCC Vera Baird asks Newcastle for their policing priorities 12th September 2016

Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner, Vera Baird QC, is consulting the people of Newcastle on Wednesday 5th October 2016 at Newcastle Civic Centre at 6pm as she looks to help inform her police and crime plan. Chaired by Cllr...

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Vera Baird QC welcomes hopes of a Government u-turn to exempt refuges from benefit cuts 8th September 2016

Vera Baird QC welcomes hopes of a Government u-turn to exempt refuges from benefit cuts Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner, Vera Baird QC, has welcomed news that the Government is ‘working on exempting refuges’ from the housing benefit cap,...

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PCC Vera Baird QC welcomes increase in VAWG-related prosecutions 6th September 2016

The findings of today’s CPS annual Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) report reveal a record number of convictions for rape, domestic abuse, sexual offences and child abuse cases, have been described as showing ‘welcome progress’ by Northumbria Police...

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PCC Vera Baird QC, Police Chief and Council Leaders unite to urge the Government to take action 2nd September 2016

Today, a letter has been sent to the Secretary of State for Transport, the Rt Hon Chris Grayling MP, by political leaders and Northumbria’s Police Chief, urging him to take action in relation to the issuing of taxi licences....

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PCC Vera Baird QC welcomes new survey on public confidence in the police 31st August 2016

PCC Vera Baird QC has welcomed a national survey that’s found 76 per cent of people are satisfied with policing according to a new report published by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary today. The survey is the first of...

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